Change in the name and Rules of MF DSK Stability - German Equities
With a decision from 25.10.2024. The Deputy Chairman of the Financial Supervision Commission, in charge of the Investment Supervision Department, approved changes to the Rules of MF DSK Stability - German Equities, which come into force on 22.01.2025.Read more -
OTP Fund Management, Hungary increased its shareholding in DSK Asset Management AD
On 19.01.2024 OTP Fund Management Limited, Hungary increased its shareholding in DSK Asset Management from 34% to 75%. Following the change, the other shareholder in the company, DSK Bank, remains with a 25% equity interest.Read more -
Launch of NIF DSK Stability - European equities 4
The Fund will be in an "open period" of operation until 15 December this year and from the following day in a "limited" period which runs until 15 December 2028.Read more -
Change in the name and Rules of the NCF "DSK Horizon 2040"
By Resolutions dated 25.08.2023 the Vice-Chairman of the Financial Supervision Commission, in charge of the Investment Supervision Department, has approved changes to the rules of the NCF DSK Horizon 2040, effective 25.10.2023. As of this date, the name of the Fund is changed to "DSK Stability - European Equities 4".Read more -
DSK Mutual Funds marked the largest annual increase in assets in its history in 2021
The assets of the funds managed by DSK Asset Management AD reached BGN 363 million at the end of the yearRead more -
Target date funds DSK Horizon launch on September 13, 2021.
DSK Bank and DSK Asset Management AD started offering a new type of investment funds - DSK Horizon 2030, DSK Horizon 2035 and DSK Horizon 2040. The innovative funds are of the “target-date funds” type - funds with a “target date”.Read more -
DSK Stability - European Equities with return of 8.45% at the end of the "limited period"
On December 18, 2010, the "limited period" of the activity of DSK Stability - European Equities ended. The Fund realized a return of 8.45%Read more -
Change in the Rules of MFs DSK Stability - European Equities and DSK Stability - German Equities in terms of fees during the "limited periods"
With Decisions from 07.12.2020 the Financial Supervision Commission approved changes in the Rules of MF DSK Stability - European Equities and MF DSK Stability - German Equities, which enter into force on 04.01.2021.Read more -
New investment cycle and open period of MF "DSK Stability - European equities"
In connection with the activities of the Fund "DSK Stability – European equities" we would like to inform investors that as of December 21, 2020 begins the "open period" and new investment cycle, according to its prospectus.Read more -
Change in the Rules of MF DSK Stability - European Equities
With Decisions from 07.12.2020, the Financial Supervision Commission approved changes in the Rules of MF DSK Stability - European Equities, which enter into force on 04.01.2021.Read more -
Change in the name and the Rules of CF DSK Alternative 1
By Resolution dated 09.05.2023. The Deputy Chairman of the Financial Supervision Commission, in charge of the Investment Supervision Department, has approved changes to the rules of CF DSK Alternative 1 effective 09.07.2023. Effective from this date, the name of the Fund shall be changed to DSK Conservative Fund.Read more
Investors should have in mind that the value of the funds’ units and the income from them may decrease, the profit is not guaranteed and they take up the risk of not recovering their investment in full. Before making a final investment decision, it is advisable for investors to familiarize themselves with the Prospectus and the Key Information Document of the respective fund. The documents are in Bulgarian and they are available on the website of DSK Asset Management AD (www.dskam.bg), and upon request can be obtained free of charge on paper at the office of the Management Company or at the offices of the DSK Bank AD, designated as a distribution point, every working day within their working hours.