How are the assets managed?
The main objectives of the Fund are to increase the value of investments in the long run while assuming moderate to high risk, as well as to provide liquidity to customers. The Fund invests primarily in open-ended collective investment schemes following an absolute return strategy or those investing primarily in equities and/or financial instruments (derivatives) related to commodities, managed by OTP Fund Management, Hungary. In addition - to a lesser extent, in mutual funds investing in bonds, managed by DSK Asset Management AD. The fund may also invest in debt securities, money market instruments, derivatives, as well as bank deposits. The specific structure of assets depends on current market conditions and will be dynamic within legal limits.
According to its strategy, DSK - OTP Premium Mix will invest in the following funds, in relatively equal weights:
OTP Supra Derivative Fund
General information about the fund:
Presentation of the investment class of the fund in which DSK-OTP Premium Mix invests:
General information about the fund:
Presentation of the investment class of the fund in which DSK-OTP Premium Mix invests:
OTP Trend Fund
General information about the fund:
OTP Treasures of the Earth Derivative Fund
General information about the fund:
Presentation of the investment class of the fund in which DSK-OTP Premium Mix invests:
OTP Total Return Derivative Fund
General information about the fund:
Presentation of the investment class of the fund in which DSK-OTP Premium Mix invests:
OTP New Europe Derivative Fund
General information about the fund:
Presentation of the investment class of the fund in which DSK-OTP Premium Mix invests:
DSK Euro Active
Detailed information about the investment policy, the composition and the structure of the assets can be found in Art. 7-9 of the Fund Rules.
Investors should have in mind that the value of the funds’ units and the income from them may decrease, the profit is not guaranteed and they take up the risk of not recovering their investment in full. Before making a final investment decision, it is advisable for investors to familiarize themselves with the Prospectus and the Key Information Document of the respective fund. The documents are in Bulgarian and they are available on the website of DSK Asset Management AD (www.dskam.bg), and upon request can be obtained free of charge on paper at the office of the Management Company or at the offices of the DSK Bank AD, designated as a distribution point, every working day within their working hours.