Summary risk indicator
According to regulatory requirements (PRIIPs, Regulation (EU) No. 1286/2014) a new indicator is used when determining and presenting risk indicators of the funds managed by DSK Asset Management - "Summary risk indicator" (SRI - summary risk indicator, on a scale from 1-low to 7-high). It is determined on the basis of historical data from the fund's activity, and in the absence of sufficient history - on the basis of a suitable reference indicator or substitute, considering the market risk according to the fund's investment horizon, taking into account the credit risk, i.e. the credit quality of the instruments in which the fund invests.
Tax treatment
Capital gain income, realized on mutual fund investment, by local physical entities or physical entities, placed for tax purposes in country, member of the European Union or the European Economical Space, in cases of redemption or purchase of the units on a regulated market under Art. 73 of Markets in Financial Instruments Act, is tax exempt; so these incomes decrease the accounting financial result, determining the tax financial result of the juridical entities, who are tax exempt by the Corporate Income Tax Law.
Investors should have in mind that the value of the funds’ units and the income from them may decrease, the profit is not guaranteed and they take up the risk of not recovering their investment in full. Before making a final investment decision, it is advisable for investors to familiarize themselves with the Prospectus and the Key Information Document of the respective fund. The documents are in Bulgarian and they are available on the website of DSK Asset Management AD (www.dskam.bg), and upon request can be obtained free of charge on paper at the office of the Management Company or at the offices of the DSK Bank AD, designated as a distribution point, every working day within their working hours.