How do we manage the assets?
The Fund shall invest predominantly in:
- securities issued or guaranteed by Republic of Bulgaria, by another member state of the EU or a third state, municipal bonds, corporate bonds and/or bank deposits in credit institutions domiciled in Republic of Bulgaria, another member state of the EU or a third state
- other liquid financial assets within the meaning of Art. 38 of the ACISOCIVA including derivative financial instruments. The Fund may invest in shares/units of collective investment schemes, domiciled in the Republic of Bulgaria or abroad
In order to provide capital gains for investors the Fund may invest part of its assets in other liquid financial assets under the meaning of Art. 38 ACISOCIVA including derivative financial instruments that provide exposure to stock indices based on European companies. The strategy envisages the Fund to participate, using these instruments, in any increase of the value of the underlying asset, on which the corresponding derivatives were purchased, but at the same time to be protected from a decrease of the underlying asset’s value.
In order to ensure capital gains to investors the Fund may invest a portion of its assets in other liquid financial assets within the meaning of Art. 38 ACISOCIVA, including derivative financial instruments to provide exposure to the stock indexes
of European companies. The strategy provides through these instruments the Fund to participate in any appreciation of the underlying asset on which purchased the corresponding derivatives, but also be protected by a fall in the value of the underlying
asset. Regarding DSK Stability – European equities a construction of territorial and sectoral specialization of the scheme is not foreseen.
Limited period the Fund may have territorial specialization to economics of the Eurozone by
exposure to leading stock indexes of companies from member states of the Eurozone as a Dow Jones Euro Stoxx 50, mainly through investments in financial derivative instruments.
Index Dow Jones Euro Stoxx 50 is designed to track the performance
of the 50 largest companies from all sectors of the economy of the euro area Member States. The index is based on the market capitalization of the companies involved in it.
Detailed information about the instruments that can be included in the Fund's portfolio and its investment strategy can be found in Art. 7 - art. 12 of the Fund Rules.
Investors should have in mind that the value of the funds’ units and the income from them may decrease, the profit is not guaranteed and they take up the risk of not recovering their investment in full. Before making a final investment decision, it is advisable for investors to familiarize themselves with the Prospectus and the Key Information Document of the respective fund. The documents are in Bulgarian and they are available on the website of DSK Asset Management AD (www.dskam.bg), and upon request can be obtained free of charge on paper at the office of the Management Company or at the offices of the DSK Bank AD, designated as a distribution point, every working day within their working hours.