The financial portal MoitePari.bg ranks Bulgarian mutual funds for another year. The ranking determines the best-performing funds in Bulgaria, dividing them into four groups depending on their profile and investment strategy. Based on a complex evaluation of the indicators included in the methodology, MoitePari.bg determines the TOP 3 in the individual groups. For the second consequence year "DSK Dynamic" was ranked first in the "Mixed Balanced Funds" group. The fund uses an "Absolute Return" investment strategy in the management and has a broad investment framework with the possibility of changing the structure of investments depending on the trend of the economic cycle.
In the same group, "DSK Balance", which has a balanced portfolio of equities and bonds, with a focus on equities traded on a regulated market in Bulgaria and to a lesser extent - on equities traded on foreign markets, won third prize.
Several funds received distinctions in the traditional annual ranking for the most successful collective investment schemes in Bulgaria, prepared by Investor BG. DSK Global Defensive Companies and DSK Dynamics were ranked second and third, respectively, in the Equity Funds - Global and Blended Balanced Funds categories. Four other funds - "DSK Standard", "DSK Balance", "DSK Global Companies" and "DSK Conservative Fund" were ranked fourth in the respective categories.
In the category "Fund in bonds" in the annual ranking for the most successful collective investment schemes of Investor.bg, the award goes to "DSK Alternativa 2". DSK Alternativa is ranked third in the category.
In the "Fund in bonds" category, the "DSK Alternativa 2" fund takes second place in the annual ranking of the most successful collective investment schemes in Bulgaria on Investor.bg.
DSK Balance won third place in the same category.
Several funds received distinctions in the traditional annual ranking for the most successful collective investment schemes in Bulgaria, prepared by Investor BG. DSK Global Defensive Companies and DSK Dynamics were ranked second and third, respectively, in the Equity Funds - Global and Blended Balanced Funds categories. Four other funds - "DSK Standard", "DSK Balance", "DSK Global Companies" and "DSK Conservative Fund" were ranked fourth in the respective categories.
In the Third Annual Ranking (2018) for the most successful mutual funds in Bulgaria of the specialized financial site Investor.bg the Mutual funds "DSK Alternative" and "DSK Alternative 1" won first and second place in the category "Short-term bond fund/money market fund"
Diploma 1st place "DSK Alternative"
Diploma 2nd place "DSK Alternative 1"
DSK Asset Management AD won first place in annual ranking of „Asset management company of the Year”, which "Banker" newspaper awards annually to the best fund managers in the country. The company received the award for the third consecutive year. The financial weekly ranks asset management companies based on five different indicators of their activities.
DSK Asset Management AD won for the second consecutive year the "Asset Management Company of the Year" award, which "Banker" newspaper awards annually to the best fund managers in the country. The financial weekly ranks asset management companies, presented in our market, based on five different indicators of their activities.
DSK Asset Management AD won first place in annual ranking of „Asset management company of the Year” of the authoritative financial weekly newspaper “Banker”. Criteria, that the newspaper applies to determine the best fund manager, account various aspects and key indicators of the asset management companies, represented on our market.
Petko Krustev, Chairman of the MB and CEO of "DSK Asset Management" AD won the award in the category Contribution to the development of the non-bank financial sector of the National Competition "Mr. / Mrs. Economics" for 2007. The competition is organized by the “Economy” magazine and the Association of the Industrial Capital in Bulgaria and is under the patronage of the Minister of Economy and Energy. The prize was awarded by a specially convoked permanent expert jury of the competition. This peculiar Academy for assessment of the Bulgarian "Mr. / Mrs. Economics" is formed from about 200 people working in the field of economics, business, finance, politics and media.
Investors should have in mind that the value of the funds’ units and the income from them may decrease, the profit is not guaranteed and they take up the risk of not recovering their investment in full. Before making a final investment decision, it is advisable for investors to familiarize themselves with the Prospectus and the Key Information Document of the respective fund. The documents are in Bulgarian and they are available on the website of DSK Asset Management AD (www.dskam.bg), and upon request can be obtained free of charge on paper at the office of the Management Company or at the offices of the DSK Bank AD, designated as a distribution point, every working day within their working hours.