Fees & Expenses Information



Your investment in „DSK Stability - European Equities 5“ is associated with the following costs:

1. Transaction expenses – these are directly incurred when investors purchase or redeem units of the Fund.

The Management Company (DSK Asset Management) does not charge fees for the purchase and redemption of units of the Fund.

During the “open period” of the Fund's activities (approximately 2 months).

Upon purchase of units, the Distributor (DSK Bank) charges a fee up to 0.50% of the net asset value per unit (for an open period).
Upon redemption of units the Investor does not owe any fees.

Other expenses that might be applicable in case of a certificate from "Central Depository" AD for the owned units issuance or mailing of deal confirmation are accounted for and paid separately according to the DSK Bank’s Tariff.

During the “limited period” of the Fund's activities (duration - about 3 years)

Fees upon purchase and redemption of units - 5.00% of the net asset value per unit (NAVU) and 10.00% of the NAVU, respectively.

Other expenses that might be applicable in case of a certificate from "Central Depository" AD for the owned units issuance or mailing of deal confirmation are accounted for and paid separately according to the DSK Bank’s Tariff.

During the “transitional period” of the Fund's activities (duration - about 1 month)

Fees upon purchase and redemption of units - 1.00% of the net asset value per unit (NAVU) and 2.00% of the NAVU, respectively.

Other expenses that might be applicable in case of a certificate from "Central Depository" AD for the owned units issuance or mailing of deal confirmation are accounted for and paid separately according to the DSK Bank’s Tariff.

2. Operating Expenses - the annual expenses in connection with the Fund's activity which are paid out of the fund assets and are, therefore, indirectly incurred by the investors. These expenses are reflected in the Net Asset Value per Unit. Following a change in the Fund's investment strategy (with effect from 06/01/2024), the valuation of these costs is as follows:

Fees undertaken by the Fund within one year*:

Fund's annual operating expensesAs a % of the fund's annual average NAV
Management fees, other administrative and operational fees
Transaction costs


* The presented data are based on the expenses data from the last financial year, ended on 31 December 2024. They may vary for different years.







Investors should have in mind that the value of the funds’ units and the income from them may decrease, the profit is not guaranteed and they take up the risk of not recovering their investment in full. Before making a final investment decision, it is advisable for investors to familiarize themselves with the Prospectus and the Key Information Document of the respective fund. The documents are in Bulgarian and they are available on the website of DSK Asset Management AD (www.dskam.bg), and upon request can be obtained free of charge on paper at the office of the Management Company or at the offices of the DSK Bank AD, designated as a distribution point, every working day within their working hours.