Frequently asked questions
Frequently asked questions
The units of the Mutual Fund are dematerialized financial instruments registered on accounts with Central Depository AD. They give their holder the right to a relevant part of the fund's assets, including in the event of liquidation of the fund, the right to information, as well as the right of redemption.
The income from investing the Mutual Fund’s assets is reflected in the increase of its net asset value, and hence on the value of the units of the Fund.
The net asset value (NAV) of the Mutual Fund is calculated by subtracting the value of all its liabilities from the value of all its assets.
The net asset value per unit is estimated by dividing the Fund's NAV by the number of units in circulation.
Mutual Fund’s units can be purchased by all Bulgarian and foreign individuals and legal entities.
The minimum amount for a transaction (purchase or redemption) is different for each Fund - information about it can be found in the Prospectus of the respective Fund.
If the value of the units, held by the investor, is less than the minimum amount per transaction, he/she may sell them back to the Fund with one order.
The redemption of the Mutual Funds’ units is performed every working day. In exceptional cases and if the circumstances so require, in order to protect the interests of investors, the Mutual Fund may temporarily suspend the redemption of units. Redemption orders submitted after the moment of suspension of the redemption are not subject to execution. In these cases, the redemption of units is carried out by submitting new orders after its resumption.
According to the current legislation, the investor receives his money from redemption of unites within 10 days after submitting the order. Unitholders of the Funds, managed by DSK Asset Management, have the unique opportunity to receive their money on the business day following the day of submitting the redemption order.
The investment horizon is a recommended period for investing in the fund in order to achieve optimal return according to its investment strategy. Funds with different risk profiles have different recommended investment horizons, which vary from several months to several years. As a rule, the higher the risk of a fund, the longer its investment horizon should be.
The unit prices are announced every working day in the branches of DSK Bank, where the Funds are distributed, on the website of DSK Asset Management and on the online banking platform DSK Direct. Price information can also be obtained by calling 0700 10 375.
When inheriting units of a mutual fund, you have the opportunity to:
1. keep the assets invested in the fund in order to increase their value and use these assets later
2. to submit a redemption order for part or all of the units.
However, before choosing one of the two options, it is necessary to transfer the units to your name. This is done by transferring them to your sub-account for financial instruments in Central Depository AD (http://www.csd-bg.bg). To do this you should visit the office of an investment intermediary that performs the activity of a “registration agent” (in the list these investment intermediaries are marked with “Yes” in the RA column).
Once you have transferred the units to your name, you can keep them:
1. on your sub-account with the investment intermediary or
2. on your sub-account with DSK Asset Management. To do this you submit an order for transfer of the units to both parties (the investment intermediary and DSK AM). The transfer order to DSK Asset Management can be submitted to any branch of DSK Bank which distributes Mutual Funds, by paying a fee, according to the Tariff of DSK Asset Management.
In case you want to make a redemption (to receive their value), the units must be transferred to your sub-account with DSK Asset Management. You can then submit a redemption order in any branch of DSK Bank, which is a distribution point for units of mutual funds.
Investors should have in mind that the value of the funds’ units and the income from them may decrease, the profit is not guaranteed and they take up the risk of not recovering their investment in full. Before making a final investment decision, it is advisable for investors to familiarize themselves with the Prospectus and the Key Information Document of the respective fund. The documents are in Bulgarian and they are available on the website of DSK Asset Management AD (www.dskam.bg), and upon request can be obtained free of charge on paper at the office of the Management Company or at the offices of the DSK Bank AD, designated as a distribution point, every working day within their working hours.