DSK Balance

Monthly bulletin - February 2025

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Risk/Return Profile

Potentially lower return

Potentially higher return

Lower risk

Higher risk

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What are the advantages and risks?

Asset management, which offers an opportunity for results in the medium and long term period through a balanced mix of the main financial instruments classes - equities, bonds, deposits.

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Suitable in searching for more significant results in the medium and long term period with moderate changes (increase or decrease) in the value of the investment.

A wide range of diversified investments in different markets and economic sectors.

A combination of high liquidity and opportunities for profitability for your funds
Balanced portfolio of equities, bonds and other financial instruments
Opportunity for periodic investments at lower costs for purchase of Fund's units.

Who is it for?

The Fund may be suitable for clients / investors who are looking for a higher result in the medium and long term period and prefer a moderate investment risk.

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How are the assets managed?

The strategy envisages achieving the maximum possible income with moderate changes in the unit's price.

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Fees & Expenses Information

Your investment in “DSK Balance" is associated with transaction and operating costs.

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Investment and profitability

The minimum investment in units of  “DSK Balance” is BGN 100 per deal. 

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Investors should have in mind that the value of the funds’ units and the income from them may decrease, the profit is not guaranteed and they take up the risk of not recovering their investment in full. Before making a final investment decision, it is advisable for investors to familiarize themselves with the Prospectus and the Key Information Document of the respective fund. The documents are in Bulgarian and they are available on the website of DSK Asset Management AD (www.dskam.bg), and upon request can be obtained free of charge on paper at the office of the Management Company or at the offices of the DSK Bank AD, designated as a distribution point, every working day within their working hours.