Amendments in the Rules of MF managed by DSK Asset Management
DSK Asset Management informs investors that on 22.12.2017 the Deputy Chairperson of the FSC, in charge of the Investment Activity Supervision Division, approved amendments to the Rules of the mutual funds managed by DSK Asset Management.
to the adopted amendments, as of 04.01.2018, the Management Company ceases to charge an increase which rises the issue value, respectively a discount, which reduces the redemption price of units of the managed Funds, in order to cover the expenses
for purchase, respectively redemption of units. The issue value per unit and the redemption price per unit will be equal to the net asset value per unit of the respective Fund.
Regardless of the foregoing and in accordance with the Rules of each
Fund, investors should bear in mind that upon assigning the distribution of Fund units to a third party, the Distributor may charge investors fees for the sale and redemption of the Fund units and, and under the distribution agreement, the amount
of such fees per unit may not exceed the following amounts:
Maximal fees for distributors of units of DSK Asset Management mutual funds: