Transitional period of the activity of mutual funds DSK Stability - German equities and DSK Stability - European equities
In connection with the activity of Mutual Funds DSK Stability - German equities and DSK Stability - European equities, we would like to inform the investors in both funds that as of November 1, 2022 a "transitional period" within the current "limited period" of the investment cycle of each fund starts, according to its prospectus. In order to implement the investment strategy and achieve the investment goals, their activity is divided into separate cycles, each of which includes periods called conditionally "open" and "limited". The units are sold and redeemed without interruption during each period, but different fees apply in purchase and redemption.
According to the funds' Rules from November 1, 2022 to November 30, 2022 incl. ("transitional period"), the applicable fees for both funds for purchase and redemption of units will be 1.00% of NAVU for purchase of units and 2.00% of NAVU for redemption of units.