Change in the Rules of MFs DSK Alternative, DSK Alternative 1 and DSK Alternative 2
With Resolutions dated 08.10.2019, the Financial Supervision Commission approved the changes in the Rules of DSK Alternative, DSK Alternative 1 and DSK Alternative 2, which will come into force on 16.10.2019. As of this date the units of the abovementioned funds will be offered only to investors - local or foreign individuals. Legal entities will not be able to purchase units directly from the abovementioned funds - they will be able to acquire units by entering into a transaction with a unit-holder, as a result of a donation, inheritance or other similar transaction, in which case for the transfer of the units should be used the services of an investment intermediary. Regardless of the foregoing, all unit-holders, irrespective of their status, will continue to have the same rights, including they will be able to claim their units for redemption from the Funds in the general manner provided for in the respective Rules and Prospectus of the Funds.
The approved Rules of DSK Alternative, DSK Alternative 1 and DSK Alternative 2 (effective from 16.10.2019) can be found in the branches of DSK Bank, which distribute the units of the funds within their working hours, on the website of DSK Asset Management AD -, as well as in the office of the Management Company at: 36, Alabin Str., fl. 3, every work day from 9:30 to 17:00