György Éder
György Éder has nearly three decades of experience in the money and capital markets, as well as in the field of portfolio management. He graduated from the Budapest University of Economics majoring in finance in 1994, and in 2001 he obtained the CFA qualification. He is a founding member of the Hungarian Section of the CFA Institute and a member of the Hungarian Forex Society. In 2006 he passed the stock exchange specialist exam. Between 1994 and 2007, portfolio manager, head of department, then deputy head of department, member of the Funds and Resources Committee at the Money and Foreign Exchange Department of the Hungarian National Bank. From 2007 to December 2021, he was a leading trader in the Capital Markets department of Raiffeisen Bank Zrt. From December 2021, he is the advisor to the president of OTP Alapkezelő Zrt., and from May 25, 2022 he is the CEO.